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The many ways to connect:

Media: Welcome

Life Connected

Weekly Podcast Episodes

There is something that gets you up in the morning, motivates you to move and strive to succeed. Something in your head tells you to stand up when you get knocked down. When you love what you do, there is a reason why. When you found your calling and you are no longer 'working', there is a reason why. Can you articulate your 'why'? My work is all about uncovering the 'why' that connects us all. This podcast presents people's stories...who pursue, have found and live by their 'why'. There is nothing more inspiring than connecting to the inner belief systems of our community. This podcast brings that to you.

Media: Welcome

The Legacy 
of Ball

When sports are in your life, there is something special that passes from one generation to the next. We carry it with us long after the ball stops bouncing. We are defined not by our behavior when things go great, when we ‘won the game’ or when we ‘made the team’. Rather, we are defined by who we are and how we act when we are faced with our greatest challenges, when losing falls squarely on our shoulders and when we are rejected. In between the covers of this book, in between the laughs, understand how the Legacy of Ball shapes and defines each of us. Available for only $20, email below to request your copy today.

Media: Welcome
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